Foodland Maikai Reward This Week - Maika‘i members earn one maika‘i point for every dollar spent at our stores on qualifying purchases (excluding liquor, postage stamps, bus passes, gift cards, taxes and bottle fees). Enter your maika`i member number and phone number to start enjoying the new benefits of your maika`i membership. Receive exclusive savings, earn bigger rewards like 1,000. At checkout, you will see a redeem rewards section that will display how many maika`i points you have available and what reward products you added to your cart. Click on redeem and. Meet the all new maika`i membership! Enjoy new benefits and bigger rewards like 1,000 hawaiianmiles or a $25 foodland gift card. Maikaʻi points also may be used in certain online transactions. Maikaʻi points will be deducted from your account. Now through 11/23, redeem 500 points for a maika`i hen turkey, or 250 points for a specially priced hen or tom. Once you reach 250 maika''i points, you''ll automatically receive a my rewards on your mobile device and foodland online account the next morning! Please note that you will. Offer valid for one pound of free ahi poke, up to $13. 99, when you redeem 500 maika’i points. Limit one reward per reward type, per transaction. Rewards start at 100 points, which can be exchanged for a free maika‘i brand product of the month. รักษ์ นา โคก ฟาร์ม สเตย์setting
Maika‘i members earn one maika‘i point for every dollar spent at our stores on qualifying purchases (excluding liquor, postage stamps, bus passes, gift cards, taxes and bottle fees). Enter your maika`i member number and phone number to start enjoying the new benefits of your maika`i membership. Receive exclusive savings, earn bigger rewards like 1,000. At checkout, you will see a redeem rewards section that will display how many maika`i points you have available and what reward products you added to your cart. Click on redeem and. Meet the all new maika`i membership! Enjoy new benefits and bigger rewards like 1,000 hawaiianmiles or a $25 foodland gift card. Maikaʻi points also may be used in certain online transactions. Maikaʻi points will be deducted from your account. Now through 11/23, redeem 500 points for a maika`i hen turkey, or 250 points for a specially priced hen or tom. Once you reach 250 maika''i points, you''ll automatically receive a my rewards on your mobile device and foodland online account the next morning! Please note that you will. Offer valid for one pound of free ahi poke, up to $13. 99, when you redeem 500 maika’i points. Limit one reward per reward type, per transaction. Rewards start at 100 points, which can be exchanged for a free maika‘i brand product of the month.